    Scotland 2
    Venezuela 2
    New Caledonia

Show MapNew Caledonia - November 2005


Having loaded up with hundreds of litres of diesel in Fiji (over Fiji$600 worth), we had great sailing winds all the way to New Caledonia! Needless to say, after the nasty weather of the previous leg, we kept a very close eye on the weather reports. We used a stiff plastic sheet and wax crayon over the top of the chart to plot up all weather systems and weather reported by each yacht on the daily radio nets just to make sure we didn't get caught out.



Plotting the day's weather on a plastic sheet over the top of the chart.




The port of entry, Noumea, was another French outpost in the Pacific, so baguettes and cheese were back on the menu.

Captain Cook gave New Caledonia its name as he thought that it looked like Scotland (called "Caledonia" by the Romans), which it does in some ways - it's green, hilly and has plenty of pine trees. After spending half an hour in the water scrubbing the slime off the hull, Tom decided that it should have been because the water temperature felt more like that in Scotland (you're getting soft Tom!).

At the doorway to a native Kanaka building, reconstructed in the museum at Noumea.






Door posts (above) and roof spears (right) in the museum.






An upright slit drum unique toVanuatu. These are set up like a miniature forest on the dance area.





A funeral ritual mask from Vanuatu.

The American World War 2 Memorial in Noumea.



War memorial in the Place de Cocotiers, Noumea.




Sunday morning chess in Place de Cocotiers.


Great name for a furniture store! Musical chairs anyone?



Noel and Jackie from Mariah II, Kian from My Chance (Alim is taking the photo), Spencer and Nana from Adverse Conditions and us.



Noumea was the last port of call for many yachts heading for Australia for the cyclone season. Those yachts bound for New Zealand had already turned south before getting this far west. We met up with many fellow cruisers one last time before our final passage in the South Pacific - the week-long trip to Australia.


A final thought before the last leg of the Pacific passage......Don't worry, be happy!





Email us:  tomandsueATmcnaughtan.net (replace AT with @ before sending!)